Tech investment with full capital protection


Tech investment with full capital protection

Participate in the positive performance of a single share and feel confident with full capital protection at the maturity date, in the event of a negative share performance: with Meta or Nvidia. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until Dec 15, 2023


Investing in tech stocks, why? There are several reasons why someone invests in tech stocks. These include:

  1. The technology sector is known for its rapid growth potential. Companies in this sector develop innovative products and services that have the capacity to revolutionize the market and generate high profits.

  2. Pioneers of new trends. Investors can benefit from innovations with tech shares: Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, e-commerce, etc.  

  3. Technology companies in particular have great market power and established business models. Even in times of economic uncertainty and volatility, tech companies can be successful - as the past few months have shown.

But what is the risk? On the other hand, many tech stocks have reached high valuations and future growth may already be largely priced in. Strongly fluctuating share prices can lead to considerable losses, especially for short-term investments, if technologies or product development turn out differently than expected or if unforeseen market influences occur.

In order to make a well-founded investment decision, it is important to consider the various arguments. A diversified investment strategy in different sectors helps to spread the risk.

Technology and sustainability - (how) do they go together? Tech companies stand for innovation. They develop solutions for renewable energies, energy efficiency and water management. In this way, they contribute to CO2 reduction and optimize processes, save resources and reduce paper consumption or transport routes with digital solutions, for example. They further develop sustainable infrastructure such as intelligent power grids, smart cities and electromobility. In addition, companies in the IT sector improve access to education and financial services, which contributes to social equality and sustainability.


Investment with capital protection

With capital protection certificates, you can protect your invested capital against potential losses at the maturity date, regardless of the performance of the underlying tech shares.

You are familiar with the well-known US companies Meta or Nvidia? The following two capital protection certificates are suitable investment products for you if you expect the respective share to increase in value - but want to be protected if your market opinion does not eventuate. The 🖋️ subscription period lasts until Dec 15, 2023:


USD Nvidia Winner 

  • 🏃🏻 Term: 5 years
  • 🛡️ Capital protection: 100 % at the maturlity date
  • 💶 Participation: 1:1 in the positive shares performance up to +90%
  • ISIN: AT0000A38GZ9

USD Meta Winner

  • 🏃🏻 Term: 5 years
  • 🛡️ Capital protection: 100 % at the maturlity date
  • 💶 Participation: 1:1 in the positive shares performance up to +80%
  • ISIN: AT0000A38GY2

These certificates are quoted in US dollars. This means that there is a currency risk for euro investors.

⚠️ Issuer risk / Bail-in

Certificates are not covered by the Deposit Protection Scheme. Investors are exposed to the risk that Raiffeisen Bank International AG might be unable to fulfil its payment obligations in respect of the described financial instrument such as in the event of insolvency (issuer risk) or an official directive (Bail-in). A total loss of the capital invested is possible - further information ➨


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Easy to reach and personally on hand to answer any questions. That's what we are at Raiffeisen Certificates, because we attach great importance to being there for you when you need us.

Your Raiffeisen Certificates Team

Przykładowe produkty:
  • Nazwa: USD Nvidia Winner Zrównoważony certyfikat
  • ISIN: AT0000A38GZ9
  • Dzień pierwszej wyceny: 18.12.2023
  • Czas trwania: 4,5 lata
    (Data zapadalności: 19.12.2028)
  • Notowanie: Stuttgart
Przykładowe produkty:
  • Nazwa: USD Meta Winner
  • ISIN: AT0000A38GY2
  • Dzień pierwszej wyceny: 18.12.2023
  • Czas trwania: 4,5 lata
    (Data zapadalności: 19.12.2028)
  • Notowanie: Stuttgart
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